Seattle Public 学校

Advanced Level and Dual Credit Courses


International Baccalaureate (IB)

General Information for 2020-21 School Year

国际文凭(IB)提供连续的国际教育. 完成IB文凭课程的学生也符合华盛顿州和地区高中的所有要求.

The programs encourage both personal and academic achievement, 挑战学生在学习和个人发展方面的进步. Students who take IB exams, which are administered annually in November and May, have the chance to earn college credit, college advanced placement, 或两个, depending on their score and the college they plan to attend.

As of May 2019, 参议院5410号法案要求华盛顿州所有的公立高等教育机构必须建立一个协调的, 以证据为基础的政策,给予尽可能多的大学本科学分, as possible and appropriate, 在大学先修课程考试中取得至少三分的学生”(RCW 28B).10.054).

这意味着在任何IB考试中获得及格分数并计划参加华盛顿州公立学院或大学的学生可以提前了解他们的学院或大学将通过学生的IB考试授予哪种类型的大学学分. 学生和家长应该查看学院或大学的网站,以获得有关大学学分和IB考试成绩的更多详细信息.

IB Mission Statement

The International Baccalaureate® aims to develop inquiring, 有知识、有爱心的年轻人,他们通过跨文化理解和尊重,帮助创造一个更美好、更和平的世界.

To this end, the organization works with schools, 各国政府和国际组织制定具有挑战性的国际教育计划和严格的评估. These programs encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.


正规买足球的App在高中的最后两年为高中生提供两个IB课程. 虽然学生可以完成单独的IB课程,而不需要注册两个IB课程之一, 建议学生选择以下课程之一,以体验综合课程的全部好处.

The Diploma Programme (DP)课程由六个传统学科领域以及IB核心课程组成. The IB core curriculum includes theory of knowledge, creativity, activity, service and the extended essay, which must be completed by the end of the student’s senior year. IB文凭课程的学生可以在六个学科领域中的任何一个领域参加IB考试. Read more about the Diploma Programme.

The IB Diploma Programme is currently offered at Ingraham, Chief Sealth International, and Rainier Beach high schools.

The Career-related Programme (CP)是一个国际教育框架,它将IB的价值观融入到一个项目中,以满足对职业相关教育感兴趣的学生的需求. 该项目为学生高中毕业后接受高等教育、学徒或就业做准备.

Students complete a minimum of 2 IB Diploma Programme courses, a core of an additional four components, (personal and professional skills, service learning, language development, reflective project) and a career-related study. Read more about the Career-related Programme.


Learn more有几种方法可以更多地了解学生如何从IB课程中受益. 学生和家庭可以与他们的高中辅导员或IB协调员交谈 read more on the International Baccalaureate website.

IB Exam Registration Information

正规买足球的App(SPS)希望在高中参加IB考试的学生必须在每年秋季注册参加考试. 三所SPS高中都有自己的注册流程.

IB Exam Fees for SPS

参加2020年IB考试的SPS注册费从免费到每次考试175美元不等,具体取决于学生就读的高中. 在每年的IB考试注册截止日期之前未完成的注册可能会被取消,并且可能不会订购考试.

Please contact your high school’s IB Coordinator 如果您对IB课程或考试注册有任何疑问,请正规买足球的App.

Chief Sealth International High School
Allison Hays

Ingraham High School
Laura Turner
Angela Peck

Rainier Beach High School
Steven Miller

有关正规买足球的AppIB课程的一般问题,请联系 District Program Coordinator for IB
Bhumi Dalia

IB Exam Fee Reductions and Waivers

所有三所高中都为符合免费和减少午餐(FRL)服务条件的学生提供IB考试费用减免和费用减免. 如果学生或家庭认为他们可能有资格获得IB考试费用教育或费用减免,并且没有完成免费和减少午餐(FRL)表格, please complete the SPS confidential FRL form online.


学校工作人员可以根据需要协助学生和家庭填写FRL表格. 学生和家庭必须在表格背面勾选复选框,以表明家庭希望获得FRL身份带来的额外福利, such as IB fee waivers. 如果学生有资格获得IB学费减免,将通知IB协调员. 有资格获得减免费用或豁免的学生和家庭应在填写IB考试注册表格时申请豁免.

IB Courses

在这三所IB高中有各种各样的IB课程. 以下是三所综合高中提供的2020-21年IB课程和项目.


IB Diploma Program

  • Student studies six subjects (三名达到标准水平(SL),三名达到更高水平(HL).
  • Student completes theory of knowledge (tok)课程-一门跨学科的课程,旨在帮助学生质疑和理解他们是如何知道他们所知道的.
  • Student completes the extended essay — a personal research project culminating in a 4,在大四结束前完成一篇个人感兴趣领域的1000字论文.
  • Student completes 18 months of creativity, activity & service (cas) tasks outside of the classroom. These can be a wide variety of extracurricular, community service, and athletic options to fulfill this requirement.
  • 学生在最终IB评估(考试)中至少获得24分(可能的45分)才能获得IB文凭.